I've not a lot of detail to report today, but some cheering progress, nonetheless.

We are not in a hurry over the south door at Hotchley Hill, as the sub-project is still waiting for materials. With that in mind, we thought it would be nice to go out and plant a ground signal in the morning, before Dennis the Downpour set in.

This we did. We dug a hole (our second-favourite activity), buried a concrete base in it, bolted down a newly-fabricated stand, and a restored position-light head atop it. Then, it pains me to admit, we got a little carried-away. We planted /another/ ground signal in the afternoon! These are to control movements out of the "release neck" onto the release road, and from platform one to platform one's headshunt.

Another matching signal is waiting in the wings, to be planted beside platform two's headshunt, once the p-way work is accomplished.

Don't worry, the stands will be getting painted black, once weather permits.