Paperwork approved, this Saturday saw the S&T gang return to a very quiet Ruddington Fields. With so much to do, and so much lost time, one wonders where to begin - so why not our (joint-) favourite activity? Digging!
To be specific, our push to signal the headshunt-end of the station will soon require a network of concrete cable troughs. Our job for the day was to lay the run from the concourse to the first chamber near platform two's release crossover: a distance of around fifty yards. We had a good turnout, and with the digging, levelling, fetching and carrying of materials spread around the group, got the job done comfortably by going-home time. This was both a result of, and in spite of, a great deal of head-scratching and squinting at plumb-lines, as we aimed to get the troughing straight. For all the task of laying concrete castings in a line seems simple, the nature of real materials meant it took more effort than you might imagine!
Next week is a second Saturday, so is allotted to tidying-up. Our priority is to deal with the unsightly accumulation of clutter around the signalbox and relay room. We've not forgotten Hotchley Hill either, and intend to make a brief visit to inspect the building, and make a temporary repair which has unfortunately become necessary.
The week after that will be one for tackling this spring's growth at HH. Having gone unchecked for an entire season, we expect the jungle to be back in full force. There's also the small matter of a second door to hang, and the list goes on from there.
If you are interested in helping out, however you can, don't hesitate to get in touch!